Tuesday, January 9, 2007

See It Now 1/9/2007

We return to our regularly scheduled program today or tomorrow (hopefully) with my thoughts on Little Children, but now what I hope becomes a regular feature, a round up of news stories:

Joe Biden is the first official candidate for President. So be the first to catch that Biden magic.

BP, Exxon, and Shell are about to hit the oil jackpot. The Iraqi Parliament is looking at passing a law (which coincidently "the US government has been involved in drawing up") that would allow major oil companies to drill for crude oil in Iraq for the first time in around 35 years. But remember, we're not there for the oil, we're there because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction... or something.

Meanwhile, The Surge is coming, so get ready. At least 20,000 troops will be added to Iraq in Bush's attempt to save his legacy, despite the fact that no one supports a troop increase, NOT EVEN THE TROOPS. Oh, and whatever you do, don't call it an an escalation because adding more soldiers to a war zone for an undetermined period of time is not an escalation.

On a similar note, this is just disgusting. A new low, even for someone as slimy as Joe Lieberman. I originally had a big rant written, but this isn’t really even worth dignifying with a response.

Finally, the wonderful thing about Tiggers is that they know what to do when they meet some punk kid. Screw A Tigger Movie, let's try to get him a part in The Departed.

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