Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Things I Find Tiresome This Week

Sure we get Dr. Horrible, new Hold Steady, and The Dark Knight this week, but that doesn't mean there's not tons of things I find tiresome:

Jib Jab - McCain's old! Obama likes change! Hilary's a bitch! Insightful stuff

The Coverage of the New Yorker Cover - The Congress voted to go ahead with impeachment hearings, and all we're hearing about is a stupid cartoon?

Katy Perry - I was in Europe and completely missed the rise of this song, but it is truly terrible

Summer TV - When does Mad Men start?

The hype for Inglorious Bastards - Can someone explain to me how this is going to be different from any other Quentin Tarantino movie?

Not releasing Where the Wild Things Are - If there's one thing we learned this summer, its that ambitious, creative children films are a poor bet.

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